Banana Foster Cold Brew Coffee
To be honest with you- I’ve never really liked coffee. But when I was stationed in Korea I came back to use USA three times in the first six months. That is a rough freaking time change. Oh and when I would fly back to Korea, I always went back to work immediately the next day- even though I didn’t really know what day it was. I freaking needed some coffee.
I learned that the only way I really enjoyed coffee black was when it was cold, preferably in cold brew form. Otherwise, I wanted alllllll of the milk and sugar to enjoy the coffee in it’s not-so-healthy, also doesn’t-really-taste-like-coffee-anymore latte form.
Even when it was cold brew, sometimes drinking it black, was just a little rough. But I didn’t really want all of the fake sugar and pumps of syrup.
Enter my sister’s Banana Foster Cold Brew Coffee Recipe! I went home to stay with her and her adorable kiddos and she made me a different smoothie every day. It was actual heaven. This one was one of my favorites. We copied everything she did to a tee, except I did add some Vital Proteins collagen powder in there so that if I drink this as my breakfast I get some protein in there.

My sister is pretty fancy and pretty thrifty so she makes her own cold brew, which means you know exactly what type of coffee is being used and it saves you some money. We copied everything exactly as she does it and make our own cold brew with Stone Cold Jo organic cold brew coffee grounds, resuable coffee bags and a large mason jar. Fill the jar up to the 6 cup line, add 4 oz of coffee grounds into your coffee bag, secure that sucker closed with the drawstring, and let it sit in the mason jar overnight. Remove the bag the next day and voila! You have homemade organic cold brew!
If you’d rather, you can of course buy cold brew that’s already made. Whatever’s easier for you- you run the show over here.
Now that you’ve got the most important ingredient, your coffee, you’re ready to whip up this Banana Foster Cold Brew Coffee smoothie in just a few seconds in your blender.

Makes 1 Banana Foster Cold Brew Coffee
1 cup of cold brew
3/4 cup oat milk (you can use any milk of your choosing, but this is my favorite dairy free option)
2 frozen bananas
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
2 scoops Vital Proteins Collagen Powder
- Combine all the ingredients in your blender.
- Blend & Enjoy!
Let me know if you tried this is the comments below! I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!